Erin White
My Prenatal Fitness Routine
Obviously, if you’ve followed me for any period of time you know how passionate I am about health and fitness. If you haven’t had a chance to read my blog about how I prepped for a natural birth/delivery, check it out here! My workout routine was crucial in my success in natural labor as well as a healthy and pain free pregnancy. Being active throughout pregnancy is so important not only for your health as a mama but for your baby’s health!
I was lucky enough to be able to work out every single day of my pregnancy, whether that was an actual workout, walking, or sometimes both! I did experience morning sickness all during my first trimester but working out first thing in the mornings helped get me over the worst of it. I know that this is not how everyone’s pregnancy goes and some just aren’t able to work out due to morning sickness, pregnancy complications, etc. and that’s ok! I am just wanting to share what I was able to do that ultimately helped me have a smooth and natural labor/delivery.
I have been doing Beachbody workout programs for over 4 years now and I love them! They have so many different programs to choose from for any stage of life/fitness level and they are all designed to be done at home. Every day I did 15 minutes of prenatal barre to help strengthen my core, pelvic floor, and glutes. This program is specifically designed for pregnant mamas and is broken up by trimester. All of the moves have been backed by research and are safe for you and baby no matter what trimester you’re in!
I also did a variety of strength/cardio workout programs during my pregnancy to help tone and stay as lean as possible. The Beachbody programs I did throughout pregnancy alongside the barre program were:
·First Trimester – Muscle Burns Fat, 21 Day Fix, 21 Day Fix Extreme
·Second Trimester – 10 Rounds, Morning Meltdown
·Third Trimester – LIIFT 4
I obviously modified all of the workouts based on where I was in my pregnancy and what was appropriate as to keep my body and my baby safe. I was able to avoid common aches/pains that accompany pregnancy by doing these programs as well as avoid gaining excess weight!
If you’re interested in staying fit and active during pregnancy, postpartum, or just in general please reach out to me and join my accountability group! There is a program for everyone and I would love to help find the right one for you!