Testament Tuesday – What’s in First Place?

God knows exactly what we need every single minute of every single day. He knows all things and He cares about all things. When we have worries or doubts, God has already made a way right through whatever it is. So how do we as children of God, getting these amazing provisions show Him our gratitude? Well it’s all in our priorities.
What’s been getting first place in our lives?
Who gets our best efforts every day?
What do you do first thing to start your day?
We all have what I like to call “go-to’s”. The places/people/things we go to when something goes wrong. What are these for you? Our God wants to be that in our lives. He wants to be our “go-to”. He wants the first hour of our days, our best efforts, and to be first place in our lives.
God doesn’t want these things out of selfish desires, no, He wants these things because when we put Him first we align ourselves with His provision for our lives. And that’s what He wants!
In Matthew chapter 6 Jesus talks about how God intimately knows all of our needs and that He will provide for them. He will provide for every detail of our lives with great care ultimate provision.
Jesus tells us that
“your heavenly Father already knows perfectly what you need…. And He will give it to you if you give Him first place in your life and live as He wants you to.”
– Matthew 6:33
Another translation of this verse is “Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” – maybe when you read that you’re not quite sure how to seek His kingdom and His righteousness. All this means is giving God first place in our hearts, minds, and lives.
But does this mean if we put Him first and give Him the first hour of our day that everything will magically be amazing in our lives? Of course not! Jesus never promised that putting Him first would make things easier or fix all of our problems. But He did promise that although in this world we would face trials, we can take heart knowing that He has gone before us and overcome all of them.
It’s time we start to dedicate the first part of our day solely to Him, make Him our “go-to” person when things go wrong AND when things go right.
Make Him your first thought in the morning and last thought in the evening. These are easy and practical first steps in putting Him first. I promise you when you put God first we will begin to see just how He provides for us in exactly what we need every day.
Continuing in Matthew chapter 6 Jesus follows up this instruction with Matthew 6:34 and says, “So don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time.”
One day at a time. Give God first place in your life one day at a time. There’s no need to worry about tomorrow because we know He will take care of that too! He knows what we need and all we have to do is put Him first!